I love the Earth

(by Desert Star)

Some more east african Islands in front of Tanzania

"Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will mankind find that money cannot be eaten.

The words of our grandmothers and grandfathers have taught us
Respect for the Web of Life
and the interdependence of all things in the Universe.
The stories passed down through oral traditions remind us
that we are all connected."

The Earth is my home, which needs me to live as much as I need it to live. All the living things on Earth are precious and play a very important role in the delicate balance of life.

For some reason, some people do not realize that by killing the Earth, they are killing themselves. And that brings pain to my heart. I believe that the energy of love is the energy of life. Because when you are filled with fear, which I believe is the basis of all other problems, such as anger, greed, jealousy, and so on, then you are held down, and are not bursting with energy to jump, laugh, run, and help others.

As far as all living things on Earth are precious goes, that goes for humans as well. We are all the same, and fueled by the energy that lies within us, and we are all unique individuals, with our own forms of expression, too. If we can all see this in ourselves, than we will see that it runs through everything else in a great bursting string of love-energy that flows and breathes all throughout this Earth. When you look deep enough into someone else's eyes, or see the green in the peaceful trees which give us air to breathe, you will see that we all have a spirit within us that is beautiful with a center that holds...love!

My commitment is this: I will be as open to the power of love that is in me as possible. Every act I make, I will try to base it upon love, and steaming from that, compassion, peace, fairness, and more. I will concentrate on the welfare of all living things including the Earth, other in respect to people, animal’s, plants and me.

I love write letters, make interactive designs and art, and participate in as much as I can in the growth of the awareness of the beauty and importance of life and the love that brings us life.

We all have love inside our souls, therefore, we all have the power of that love to heal and help.

And I will never stop trying, and I will never stop loving, and I will never, ever stop caring. With our love and concern for all life on Earth, we are unconquerable!

Sending many blessings, love and light to everyone!

Desert Star

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