Why do you prefer Golden-Retrievers some times...

by Desert (African) Star

Golden - Retrievers are happy to snuggle all night long.
Goldens rarely have prickly whiskers.
Goldens always keep your secrets.
Goldens never bore you to death with details of the games.

Goldens can hug for long periods of time.
Goldens usually smell nice and are always soft and cuddly.
Goldens hardly ever smoke and rarely even smell from tobacco.
Goldens are perfectly willing to make long term commitments.

Goldens make excellent traveling companions.
Goldens sleep soundly without wriggling
around, snoring, and hogging all the covers.
Goldens are not often jealous of other humans or dogs.
Goldens never transmit nasty diseases.

Goldens know when you've had a bad day.
Goldens love to vacation at the spot you select.
Goldens don't have to hide when your mother comes to visit.

Most Goldens don’t hog the whole bed.
Goldens never stand up their dates.
Goldens are never on a business trip when you really need them.

Goldens get on perfectly with your pets.
Goldens always like your friends.
Goldens don't have weird eating habits.
Goldens invariably understand when you have a headache.

Goldens almost never complain about your housekeeping.
Goldens don't shock neighbors by their presence.
Goldens are rarely too young or too old.
Goldens don't require home cooked meals.

Goldens never borrow your car.
Goldens get on famously with all your relatives.
Goldens would never make fun of your habits.
Goldens aren't paranoid about catching your cold.

Goldens don't care a bit what you spend your money on.
Goldens are always ready to help you in an emergency.
Goldens never have cold hands or scratchy toenails.
Goldens can't possibly get you in trouble.

Goldens love just as much the morning after.
Goldens never leave your bathroom a wreck.
Goldens don't mess up your apartment,
and they generate only modest amounts of laundry…

Golden - Retrievers
are the safest, cuddliest people in the whole wide world!

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