Who are You?

The dream is alive
My name is Holger, also known on the web as in real life ‘Desert Star’ or ‘Tom’. I also answer to ‘Hey You’.
My Favorites are to be found in traveling around the globe. My family is spread all over the world, but mainly in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Australia, USA and Canada. My friends are all over this place Earth and some of them… - are already in Heaven too, performing their duty as an angel…
Some of my main interests are in the world of IT, Art, Colors and Design, the Web, digital photographing, Trends and Fashion, (World) Music, African and Native American Red Indian Art and History, Myths and Religion, (White) Golden Retriever, ICQ, IATA - Airlines history and performances, Aircraft’s and Travelling, Literature etc.
Did you know there are two kinds of angels?
One type has made it all the way to the top. – You know, saw ‘You know who’. - Well these angels are there to help each Earthling. Since everyone knows the Cohabitants of earth consist of men from ‘Mars’ and women from ‘Venus’, we won’t need to explain that – Right?
There is also, the other type of angel who has not quite arrived ‘Up there’ yet. But they are still very important, since they tend to assist the other angels. On a dear day you can see both types of angels hovering somewhere in the distance between Heaven and Earth merrily dancing amidst the rainbows.
Angels are scattered around the globe. Even nearby you! While working they are incognito and you can’t tell them apart from an Earthling. Yet, when such an angel is met one senses that there is just a bit of something different in their presence… something almost mystical or ethereal. The sort of stand apart from the rest, not above but just near. Well… those angels… they are my friends and maybe yours too, the very breath of life next to my heart. …Smiles!
My commitment is:
I will be as open to the power of love that is in me as possible. Every act I make, I will try to base it upon love, and steaming from that, compassion, peace, fairness, and more. I will concentrate on the welfare of all living things including the Earth, other in respect to people, animal’s, plants and me.
I will continue to write blogs, poems and books, create computer interactive art, and participate in as much as I can in the growth of the awareness of the beauty and importance of life and the love that brings us life.
We all have love inside our souls, therefore we all have the power of that love to heal and help.
And I will never stop trying, and I will never stop loving, and I will never, ever stop caring. With our love and concern for all life on Earth, we are unconquerable!
Moreover I’m a writer with the fondness for World Music, African Art and Myths, Native American Indian Art and Culture, Poetry and Philosophy. Especially after my many years of study in culture anthropology I get very interested. While my hand may write words, the poetry and stories itself is authored by every soul as it is reflective a central essence called ‘feeling’ that lies within each of us continually ebbing and flowing while we surf upon the unpredictable tides of life.
I love the adventure, the unpredictable…
I’m cultural and sometimes a little bit spiritual, as it would apply to a universal consciousness of humanity within mankind (not to be confused with psychic or religious fanaticism please). I hesitate to mention an astrological curiosity, because most lack true knowledge and understanding of what it was meant to be and tend to pass judgment in this state of mental unawareness. Yet, it was in exploration that I discovered the great shame there is to be found in condemnation without investigation.
Unless one seeks and gains knowledge about a matter, how can one truly and truthfully know what they are or do not believe in? I don’t think it was meant to blindly take another word for something without checking out some facts first.
Isn’t that gossip or here-hey? Even a disciple’s desire for proof was not condemned. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with to be ‘open minded’… it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge need. This alone offers a measure of control over one’s life and destiny. In my opinion, stupidity is highlighted by a perverse satisfaction in a foolish choice to ‘knowingly’ remain in a blind ignorance.
There is much responsibility for what one knowingly ‘doesn’t know’ as there is for what one ‘does know’. It is sad how much relinquish control over their life in fear of the unknown. Along the same vein, it’s my believe that there is no one person any smarter than another… Even an adult has much to learn from a child. I care deeply about people and the process of living. If I am able to enlighten where darkness one loomed, then I have helped another human being improve the quality of their living existence. We are here to assist each other through what can be a perilous life at times. Thankfully, we aren’t all going through the same things at the same time.
Me… well, I am grateful there is my friends here each day just a click away. They are always here to talk to me when I need someone to talk to. They are always here to send me a joke when I need cheering up. They are always here to send me something special. And they are always here to put a smile on my face and a rainbow in my day! Without my friends, a big piece of my heart would be gone.
In using my PC I made plenty of errors to find out and later it was a software problem and learned that programs were less perfect than people. Many freely offered forgiveness for my shortsightness. There were those that helped me when I could not help myself and to them I am more eternally thankful for their selflessness than I can express without a tear!
Interpersonal relationships and of course real life relationships are about being a best friend in the good and bad times, loving, caring, sharing, even patience, tolerance, compromise and yes… even real friendship, since also this is and can be real love.
They are also being admittedly wrong and still finding forgiveness for our human frailties being extended. It is ‘from’ the act of giving without thought of the self that we truly receive… It’s not in ‘receiving’ that one finds the means of pathway to give, for this would be like someone being a sponge who must be squeezed to return what they had take in – just to be left void and dry once again. We receive in direct proportion to what we actually ‘give’, not the other way around. Please note this don’t mean, ‘trade’, since this is just what it was when one gives something and then expects to receive as a result from where or whom they had given to. This certainly does shed a new light in love in relationships.
When did you last hear I love you as long you always do such as such…’. That is not the nature of love… not true love. Yet, that does not mean one suppose to accept or tolerate bad behaviour or maltreatment either. It is healthy to have self-respect and love of one’s self with the awareness that one deserves the right to be fairly treated with the elements if common courtesy, decency and respect.
I may not walk this road again and I never want to have to think ‘If I had only… then maybe that wouldn’t have happened…’ So, I strive to be all I can in any given moment and sometimes I can try too hard. This Angel falls short of perfection, too… but life is about at least making a sincere effort to do what we know is the right to do and no one has to tell us that. I believe any problem is an opportunity to find the solution and never can a problem to exist with out a solution. Just think about that truth a moment. I find there are two great things that are repeatedly experienced. One is not accurately defining the problem and the other is not like the solution to the existing problem… but a solution is no nonetheless.
I’ve love to go swim, to play beach ball in the warm sand of a wonderful beach or just travel along, but a mishap caused this to cease this for the time being, as I have to much to do at present time. My involvement with computers has increased since it proves to be on an invaluable toll for overcoming the cognitive difficulties and a great link to a wealth of knowledge.
As an international Airliner I have met some incredible people around the globe, of whom I have come to dearly love and I so very proud to call ‘friend’. They are most precious and priceless to me… Therefore I also must embrace the potter who may have unpleasantly assisted in the process of adding a greater definition to the path of life and helping me to mould me into the person who I am today.
Even though I would find it easier to dwell on and esteem those who have given me richest of love and encouragement along the way, I must remember those that blessed me in many ways.
Oh! Must not forget my ‘first real love… the beautiful, mysterious ocean’. I love anything what has to do with the water… sailing, fishing, boating or just watching its movements. I lived once upon a time only some few steps distance from the Indian Ocean in a wonderful Paradise. Therefore I prefer just the eastern coastline of my dear Africa, yes just because of the excitement and mystery… just there!
I may attempt parasailing someday, since skydiving is out of the question. Hmm… maybe gliding through a canyon. I’m open to most life’s activities as new adventures to at least try twice… Who know? If once was not very good, does it mean all other times are to be the same or that the next time would be negative experience? Are all salads and cooking methods the same…? I don’t think so. Fear should not govern our lives either… just prudence.
Among the things already mentioned, I have also loved: Tubing down a river anywhere, where the river became more lucrative falling from the cooler into it and then proceed to quickly float out of reach. Climbing in the Austrian Alps or sitting on top of the Kilimanjaro in Africa, yes enjoying life and sitting in a tree for hours; watching a squirrel watch me while I scampered to and from.
Sitting outside of an Oase, long inside in the desert of Jordan together with my Bedouin brothers and sisters at ‘Wadi al Rum’ on the back of my Camel Khalid on my way to Petra and Aqaba (at the Red Sea) and just enjoying life on the historical track of ‘Lawrence of Arabia’.
A walk in the wonderful Swedish woods, feeling that sense of at-one-meant- with nature. Along rivers and lakes. Making stop for a (naked) bath and met the Love you dreamed about… Sitting at the beach at the frontlets of the Mediterranean Sea nearby Alicante in Southern of Spain, looking just over to my dear Africa, thinking of all my African brothers and beautiful sisters, asking the waitress at a Spanish bar, ‘Por forvour… Sangria and enjoying an ice cool ‘Serveca’ (St. Michel), listen to the non - stop sounds of Govi - flamenco from the ever to be very historical Andalusia, listening to the cooing of a white dove while I hovered between a dream and wakefulness; pondering life while gazing at the stars, then swatting the mosquito’s that interrupted my contemplation’s; sensing the romance and intensity of passion while swimming at the frontlets at the Mediterranean sea (or just in the sweet water pool) under a full moon and palms; hearing nice music for deserted Lovers and remember a time…, a time you know… when … Right!
Giggling while sneaking cold feet against warm skin; pillow fights just cuz; spending hours cooking for someone to discover I had just burnt the garlic bread after the telephone rang; raising the beautiful breed of white Golden Retrievers; impulsively going across the country from Gothenburg just to see the New Year come in out over the north Sea and to drive back home back again the following day… - These are only a few memories and I shall spend the rest of my days cultivating more!
I am the type of person that is flexible and adaptable to my environment, while being definitely open to the spontaneity and experience of new things. Well, maybe not extremely bizarre thing, …smile!
Good company, stimulating conversation and the sharing of laughter add joy to my life. Sharing knowledge and ideas bring fulfillment to my life. The ebbs and tides of my life are most intriguing while being the most perplexing. I sit in wonderment of life, since I’ve gazed upon death’s door several times during my life, lately in a traffic accident in Gothenburg, Sweden early spring days in the year of 2001 and was blessed to learn much about mortality and what is truly important in living. This moment is all one, and has to be and do all what we can…
Yesterday is dead and, as such, must be buried. We are resurrected a new, whenever we awaken to a new day. Tomorrow has yet to be born and life shall forever be a series of decisions that none of us can escape. What we choose to do on this day will come into effect when the tomorrows are born. So we do well to plant seeds in order that our tomorrows may be found sweeter and more fruitful than our yesterdays may have been!
I’ve traveled extensively throughout the whole world during my life. I have not only lived, but also worked successfully for many years in most of the places such in Europe’, all over Africa, in the Middle and Far East, and in the USA, where I learned humbleness from many humans who honored me with there elated enthusiasm in having an ‘European friend’.
I lived in Africa for more then ten years, where I embraced the moments of this alluring paradise deducing my soul while sitting upon the ledge of a tiny inlet feeling the water’s cool spray on my skin as it rushed against the sand and the rocks. I watched the dolphins play upon the horizon of a setting sun in awe of their carefree existence.
There is also my dear Sweden where there were long days of summer to delight in a pop side, captivating scenery and lingering childhood memories of decades past of the crusted snow eating my strapless boots and leaving me perplexed as to what I should with my feet. It was there that I discovered my clothes getting smaller and becoming adamant in my protest that they where shrinking, as only six years old boy can do. Of course, throughout a grandmother’s (as my biological mother died many years ago when I was child and now works as an guarding Angel, up there…) knowledge and patience, I became enlightened that I was ‘growing’ instead… - …sighs. Some thing will never change, I guess, …giggles!
It is my life - long dream to tread upon the land of as many countries as the Great Spirit and time would grant me in the remaining days of my fifty - plus life (ooops, just slipped). I long to meet the people to share the universal smile, experience the cultures and traditions, delight in foods, drink of the wines and as a certain special Angel was entering to my life.
Who knows…even fate has its own infinite timing as it graces our lives with it blessings. Our only task is to avail ourselves to see and open the palms of the heart to receive the treasures that it brings to us. A closed palm cannot receive, but neither gives.
God bless you, each one of you and know our prayers for peace meet yours as the sunrises and sets. May the Great Spirit guide you safely into the path of love, peace, freedom and God on this Earth Mother! May the holy ancestors of love and light keep you safe in your homes! Pray for God to give you something important to do in this great work, which lies ahead of us all to bring peace on earth.
Be well, and think good thoughts of peace, love and togetherness. Peace for all life on earth and peace with one another in our homes, families and countries. We are not so different in the Great Creator's eyes. The same great Father Sun shines his love on each of us daily. We are one after all.
Our prayer is to have a good happy life, plenty of soft gentle rain for abundant crops and good health for every one. We pray for balance on earth to live in peace and leave a beautiful world to the children yet to come.
Remember to have fun, and most importantly enjoy yourself. These are powerful days, and this year will be a turning point for you in terms of your inner commitment to your light. The oaths of creation guardianship and the restoration of the feminine power are needed more than ever on Earth.
I, Desert Star, share my being with you these days. I enfold you in the light of the sun, origin of this solar system, whereby you might begin to take the breath of power, take the breath of light, love, and take the breath of wisdom and divine activity through the light that is your origin. As you do so, immortality will be achieved.
But wherever it takes you, know that you are a brave adventurer, and the tools you have at your disposal are your trusty companions. And that we here on this earth, in spirit are right beside you, catching you if you should tip too much one way or the other, watching your back, and helping you clear the path before you.
So much for now, you take care and my prayers are with you. Be good, cuz life is sweet, treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect and remain close to the Great Spirit! May the Great Spirit watch over you and all your relations!
My blessings to you as we ALL continue forward. I am here and available for you all hours a day, no matter where you are. Wherever you are, walk in Peace and remain in Love, Light and Harmony! You are never alone…
We can never tell our friends to many times just how much they mean to us....
Thank you for your friendship....
Desert (binary and proud of it) Star
Desertstar - 22. Dec, 10:29
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